Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mr. Right

Loneliness accepted becomes a gift leading one from a life dominated by tears to the discovery of one's true self and finally to the heart of longing and the love of God. 

"Don't worry, you'll find someone who will love and take care of you and those kids".  I've lost count of how many times I heard that statement, especially in the first few months following our separation.  It didn't make me mad.  I knew it was just people's way of trying to make me feel better.  I often just laughed it off thinking "do 'Mr.' and 'Right'" even belong in the same sentence?!  (Don't worry, I'm no longer a man hater).

I never understood how women jumped in and out of relationships, especially after ending marriages.    After being in this situation though, I understand it well.  Single parenting is a lonely job.  I think some are under the assumption that you have children, so you can't be lonely. The opposite is true, at least for me.  You are stuck in between two worlds; that of being a parent/ head of a family, and that of the single woman. Those two worlds have a difficult time coexisting, especially when (as is my case), one parent has full custody.

Don't get me wrong, there are MANY perks to being single!!  My children and I have traveled up and down the east coast countless times in the past two years, just because we can.  I can cook or I can not cook.  New shoes? Yes, please!  I control the remote control and I can blast my music at home, even if it is "chick" music.   I have learned so much about myself and have gotten to enjoy my own company.  There are days when I fully enjoy the single life, but then there are days when I'm over it.

There's nothing wrong with desiring a man in your life.  That's the way God created us! Though I've always considered myself pretty independent, woman are designed to want to be taken care of. It's VERY humbling for me to admit that I sometimes get sick of being alone, sick of driving us everywhere, sick of taking care of myself when I'm not well, sick of car maintenance, sick of handling my own money, sick of fixing things in the house, sick of not being taken out, sick of carrying sleeping children up the stairs, sick of breaking up midget fights...and the list goes on and on.  I can easily understand how it'd be much easier to just jump into a relationship and get all that temporarily resolved.  Temporary fixes are just that though, temporary.  And around here, my temporary fixes are usually never done right.

Just last week it was about 96 degrees outside.  I was sitting at Josiah's bus stop, hot.  Not hot looking, just hot.  Two days later, we woke up to 45 degrees and the daytime high wasn't much higher than that.  I broke out my boots and fall jacket, and enjoyed every sip of my hot cup of coffee...perfect on a chilly morning.  Facebook was full of status updates commenting on the changing season.  Everyone was seemingly over summer and ready for fall.  It made me think – without the scorching summer sun, we would never appreciate the cool winds of fall.  Without the dark winter days, we would never enjoy the spring's sunshine.  In my life, I am learning to appreciate and embrace whatever season I am in.  I value the days where I am happy and complete in my singleness.  Yet I also value the times where the pain of loneliness has been almost unbearable, because I have learned so much during those times. Walking through those valleys has taught me that it IS possible to be alone.  Somehow, I have survived without a man for over 2 1/2 years and I have lived to tell about it!  I wouldn't trade that time for the world.

Allow yourself to feel both the blessings and difficulties that singleness brings and you will never be desperate for a man to come "save" you.   Allow yourself to rely on God for the love that you need, because His love is perfect, fulfilling and stands the test of time.  Take time to figure out what you really want and need in a man, and what you really want and need to be for a man.

So, hold will be worth the wait.


  1. Are you sure you weren't reading my journal? Amazing!!

  2. beautiful Sarah! What an incredible journey you are on!

  3. I know I'm not the one who who is so blessed by your beautiful written, transparent posts. Your words are a source of comfort for many, Sarah. Comforting others with what you received from the God of ALL comfort. I love you and love how you keep it real. <3

  4. I'm not in your situation. Still, this blog speaks to me and nurtures my heart as I grow in compassion and understanding. Thank you.


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